Thursday, March 6, 2008

As good as it gets

Today, politics are in the air. We have just had a primary here in Texas. Obviously, there were some shenannigans that gave H.C. a boost here. There was a ton of talk about "conservatives" voting for her in an attempt to sucker the Dems into more pointless bickering and mud slinging. What a circus. We look like a sorry bunch indeed. I think we can do better than Bush..ClintonClinton...BushBush twenty years. It seems like a bannana republic and not an open democracy.

At least Obama sounds interesting. What does it say about us as a country if the poor biracial kid of a single mother with no money and no connections grows up to be president?

He has come a long way and I hope he goes the distance and gets all the way to the top. Obviously, it's going to be hard, and, quite frankly, he's got some tough times ahead, but I plan on giving him my full support.

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