Friday, December 29, 2023



I love you in the mountains

I love you in the city

on the sidewalk

on the grass

I love you at the ocean

I love you in the clouds

I hear you sleeping

I see you dreaming

I love you in the country

I love you downtown

In the park

In the traffic

It's all the same

It's all the time 

So true

So open

 it barely needs

  any words.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Eight Gratitudes


The milk is expired

You hit a mattress on the highway

you pissed your pants at some point

there's an ugly rash

your dick barely works

you keep getting medical bills

you keep forgetting things

you forgot what you came in here for

you can see clearly all the mess that surrounds you

you talk to everybody about everything

your hands still move like tiny birds

last night, you drove out of your way to keep listening to jazz on the the rain.

you got to pet some dogs that aren't even yours

your friends still remember you

you made a stranger laugh in the record store

you still remember why you are here.

Monday, December 18, 2023

haiku on paper napkin

  If you want to be 

happy, stop wanting happy

it's the only way

hidden flowers know

what it's like to grow unpicked

they are the best ones

I hold you between

the palms of my chafing hands

I plant you in hope.