Saturday, December 24, 2022

Fecit lux en tenebrio (make light in the darkness)


I am trying to find an artful way

to say

this soft and squishy truth.

I saw a candle with

a ginger haired 

Jesus on it he 

looked like a guy I used to 

do construction with

one time we went to a strip

club after work he

was sure this girl really liked him

whatever he got so wasted

he ended up sleeping with his head on

my dashboard

breathing out all his paycheck

in a vodka haze

he was a big square headed dude

That Jesus candle was looking up 

at me telling me about how

you can be willing to do any thing

for a fake ass bitch and she 

won't give a fuck about you

I spent all my money

and didn't even get a handjob 

  you would do any thing for that fake ass bitch

like being tortured and humiliated and 

you know those Romans would rape a motherfucker

for a quarter

  I thought about Jesus and

how he got treated for all 

us fake ass bitches

      dogged out by lesser men

and nailed to a fucking cross like

the worst piece shit ever

without even one kindness except

the final thrust

by a guy who just wanted to 

end his shift

    I was looking for air freshener

and got ambushed by a feeling

  and no one saw my crying

and if they did,

   they would think me

crazy or religious

   World without end

forever and ever 

      half off.

Monday, December 19, 2022

The way of the gun.


There isn't enough bark on

this tree to make a basket

and the wood in the forest 

is too green and wet for fires.

Settle down to the ground and look

with your ear to the dark earth

see the run of the rabbits

and the tracks of the wild hogs.

You are not a hunter born

because your teeth are plastic

it's not the killing you hate

it's the cleaning you fumble.

My father who's in heaven

or some place in between

may your suffering be forgotten

and your injuries stay unseen.