Sunday, June 15, 2008

sweetness and AIPAC

Lately, I've been thinking about whether or not my new found unbelief in the invisible superjew is constructive. I go back and forth with myself thinking that religion is ok and then consigning it back to the trash heap as just so much thought control and blind obedience. On the one hand, I have met a lot of religious people who are kind and decent and intelligent. On the other hand, many people of that stripe seem to radiate hatred and resentment of anyone who does not and will not agree to share their complex, fantastic world view. There is always some other group of people they despise whether it's muslims, jews, homosexuals, hindus,christians etc..
Sometimes I find myself making excuses for these people by rationalizing their unique repulsiveness..."there are good and bad people in every group"..
Well, it seems like the bad ones rise to the top like raw sewage in Venice. They insist on speaking in tongues or wearing special garments. They advocate genocide and then they complain to the empty heavens when anyone so much as bruises their own brethren. They expect every one to bow down to their own exceptional glory and regard everyone else as less than human. We will build our temple here and no one better say boo. This mosque will be built in the middle of your town. We will blast the call to prayer and mad dog anyone who looks in our general direction. I say fuck em all. open up a pool hall on the temple mount and start stocking it with strippers and hot tubs. They're operating fan clubs for a hollow barney suit. There is no invisible man in the sky who gives a shit about you or who you fuck or how you cut your foreskin or facial hair. If you don't want to eat pig meat or shrimp because it's nasty, then mazel IS nasty, but don't be laying a trip on anyone else about it.
There is no 24 hour pussy mart in the sky for martyred muslims. There is no such thing as a chosen people, sorry, but deep down inside, you know it's true. There is no sex in the champagne room. There is no reason for snake handling baptists to believe in the second coming.

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