Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well summer is here and it's time to go swimming. I don't have big bucks, so that means public pool time. That means maximum sunburn fun and extreme sideshow action for me and my
tattoos. Here in Austin, everybody has tattoos it seems. But most of them are the flower on the ankle...barbed wire armlet or celtic butt crack halo. I enjoy looking at these tats. They are beautiful reminders that the mom chasing Hunter or Tyler or Jordan around the playscape used to be a party girl in college. Mostly the sorority type. Then their mates, the dudes, have some really rugged suns and cocapeli tribal shit on their formerly jock torsos. I'm a stay at home dad, so I end up being the only guy in the joint. In I walk with my 330 pound self, looking like Bluto in 3D. A lot of my work was done with a model car motor and india ink at the kitchen table. It seemed like a good idea at the time and we were all out of beer at that point. What the fuck, it's not like it's forever. The raised super black stuff only looks cool because it's scar tissue. The ex-cons I work with have better stuff than me. Sure, they did it in a cell with ashes and a staple, but they really took their time. It was a labor of love. I have real basic stuff for the most part. I'm especially proud of the really professional A+ on my rib cage..
"Did you get good grades?" children would ask. I would reply..."no, it's my blood type"..."what's that for?"..."No, actually I'm kidding. I really like school..a lot"
Huge, terrifying biblical pictures are emblazoned on my back too. Violent, apocalyptic imagery.
I often wear a t-shirt, but I must admit. I have a bit of pride in not looking like the horrible blob guy with a back hair sweater that tries to cover his man tits by wearing a shirt in the pool. I end up taking it off. I ain't going out like that.
Still, I should have gotten a hot vespa chick tattoo or a japanese character for "peace" which actually means "soy cracker". I really feel left out.
Oh well, If I can make a few bucks and not spend it on bullshit like children's shoes or dental care, I can get a really bitchin' cocapeli on my ankle.

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