Thursday, April 18, 2024

fallout 2024


Let's play pretend that

all of this means something

even though, the world is going 

crazy and people are fighting

over dust and rubble

there's fire in the air and 

we can't afford a bucket of chicken

The universal god light is 

in the house and seven

angels are yelling "what the fuck!!?"

Let's all duck and cover 

outside the pop up fusion food truck

cause this is the last good gig

the rumble of disarray and the ashes of good times

If this is the end times, like old times

I see myself geared up with guns and a scrappy knife

reading all the glowing signs 

looking for others clinging to the bitter type of life

it's probably hard to see, but it's more comical than scary

like the Oregon trail, to die from the dirty dysentery

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