Thursday, June 1, 2023

The New Style


Have you seen it?

  Where once we had the complex nautilus spiral

of intention making love to words

reflecting the light of experience,

and beckoning us forward from one line

to the next and next

We now have

We now have the source 

as the poem

that makes it a poem

by a Korean or Native or African American or

insert the colonized here

let it be gay or crippled or both

a pretty good poem by a  quadriplegic, lesbian

negress married to a Choctaw woman with

irritable bowel syndrome is 

way better than a great poem

by a European American 

cis gendered 

working class 


All we need to ask ourselves,

is it good

does it make our heart sing

will we remember it at breakfast

do we smile

do we cry

God save us from

the new 


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