he wonders at the rest of his junk
he's too timid to throw away,
dinosaurs in the basement, trilobites in
his garden pond, the glittering remnants of
galactic whatnot he means to string up
and plug in some time.
There is an ocean of unmeasured time, but
no time to get anything done.
He keeps meaning to get back to us, throws up strands
of probabilities to the kitchen ceiling
seeing if they stick and hang down, al dente, then forgets
he's looking for a colander and finds the
Etruscan crossword puzzle instead which makes him
think about that song
with the flutes and so he goes out to the car, because
he's sure that's where it was last time
he heard it and so becomes entangled in the
fact that he forgot to water the lawn........
Time boils and rolls never leaping over the side
but teasing at the strands inside
while for some reason, in the distance,
the leaf blower starts ringing its heavenly chorus
throughout the empty house.
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