Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The riches of the earth....

Far away in the deep cold reaches of space, there lived an alien race spread out over two planets and a dozen moons. That stuff isn't really that important. They were pleasant enough and they had been out of the trees far longer than we have. By trees, I really mean the jagged rocks pointing their way out of the shallows of a methane sea. This race was..or I should say is about the same size as we humans and they have the same number of limbs we do....after adolescence anyway.They live a very long time. It's this almost-immortality that makes this a story.
Now, when we imagine an ancient alien race, we imagine a smooth, efficient bunch of creatures with great technological advancements. In this case we'd be right, but not everything is so orderly. You see, no matter how awesome a society is, i still has individuals who are brilliant, sexy, and popular and those who are just sucking wind. This story is about an alien who just couldn't seem to get any respect on his native planet of Foo. He was a maintainence engineer in the great galactic department of motor vehicles.

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