Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WallFly conversation #1

A wallfly conversation is a dramatization of stuff most of us don't get to hear. It's based on all the times you've heard somebody say, " I wish I was a fly on the wall listening to THAT"

President: So, what are we gonna call this new effort in Iraq? How about Iraqi Freedom?
General #1: Uh, we already used that sir. We could use freedom again though.
General #2: Well, back in the old days, we would just generate random word combinations like
"Zebra Knife" or "Burning Drum"....
Pres: Wait those don't make a damn bit of sense. That second one sounds like V.D..
General #2: We would use them as kind of like code so no one could figure out what we were up
General #1: We need something that really pops, like "Freedom Fist" or "Victory Eagle".
Pres: That first sounded kinda porno-ey. But I think you're on the right track.....
General #2: If we're going to come up with flashy names for this, let's try to figure out what
we're really trying to accomplish this time.
Pres: I think...well, you must really hate America to keep on bringing that up.
General #1: It's just as well you're on your way out. You might want to take your retirement
a little sooner.
Pres: I know! we'll call it "Super double kick-ass America up your ass"
General #1: That's great!! But I don't think we should use "Ass" twice in a sentence.
Pres: Well shit, you're the one who went to A&M, go ahead and fine tune it...and I want a
T-shirt with it on there too.
General #2: Hey, I have an idea. How about "Drive around until you get your ass lit up with
no way out for a hundred years?" does that work?

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