Sunday, December 29, 2024

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Sunday, April 28, 2024



When all the pieces fall away

and the precious night covers up the day

Who will sit and pass the time beside us

and hear the stories we kept inside us?

Remember when we walked to the ice house 

and drank cold Big Red on the way back?

We went from one island of shade to the other.

Cicadas were the alien army

Van Halen was the soundtrack

Of all the days

in all these ways

those crappy beach chairs 

on the porch, 

were the thrones from which

we saw our future


Thursday, April 18, 2024

fallout 2024


Let's play pretend that

all of this means something

even though, the world is going 

crazy and people are fighting

over dust and rubble

there's fire in the air and 

we can't afford a bucket of chicken

The universal god light is 

in the house and seven

angels are yelling "what the fuck!!?"

Let's all duck and cover 

outside the pop up fusion food truck

cause this is the last good gig

the rumble of disarray and the ashes of good times

If this is the end times, like old times

I see myself geared up with guns and a scrappy knife

reading all the glowing signs 

looking for others clinging to the bitter type of life

it's probably hard to see, but it's more comical than scary

like the Oregon trail, to die from the dirty dysentery

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Corazones Tontos

 At night my heart

sleepwalks through.

the spidery grass

dead stems rustling

until it finds the

golden square of light

in the garden

outside your bedroom

as you lay reading .

Sometimes, your own

will come through the trellis

and they sit together

but they don't say anything

because they're just organs 

or the clumsy metaphors

for our inability to 

forgive one another

stupid fucking hearts.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024



Everything is recorded, nothing is true

We got a hat that's red, and a tie that's blue

jump on the lies and scandals

which is worse, desert storm or Stormy Daniels?

Talk about dope and scream about crime

but a dollar is barely worth a goddam dime

Somebody stole something, and i think it's our time'

Well, true love alters not when alteration finds

like the man said, sometimes you lick up the honey

and don't ask any questions

Someday too soon, we'll just be 

old pictures in a junk shop

or a broken bottle in a van

down by the river

Friday, December 29, 2023



I love you in the mountains

I love you in the city

on the sidewalk

on the grass

I love you at the ocean

I love you in the clouds

I hear you sleeping

I see you dreaming

I love you in the country

I love you downtown

In the park

In the traffic

It's all the same

It's all the time 

So true

So open

 it barely needs

  any words.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Eight Gratitudes


The milk is expired

You hit a mattress on the highway

you pissed your pants at some point

there's an ugly rash

your dick barely works

you keep getting medical bills

you keep forgetting things

you forgot what you came in here for

you can see clearly all the mess that surrounds you

you talk to everybody about everything

your hands still move like tiny birds

last night, you drove out of your way to keep listening to jazz on the the rain.

you got to pet some dogs that aren't even yours

your friends still remember you

you made a stranger laugh in the record store

you still remember why you are here.