I Am From…
I am from pendulum clocks,
from Kool-Aid and linoleum
I am from the finished basement,
deep, musty, a refuge on hot
I am from the Chinese Maple,
made of glass in ice storms,
that dripped like soup in
I’m from brown station wagons and bowling alley birthdays,
backyard orchards and cellar
I’m from “God doesn’t see you, you’re not baptized”
to “I’ll find God on my own”
From Leon and Everett
I’m from addictive personalities and infidelity
From “we can do this the easy way or the hard way”
I’m from The Old Line state, Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch)
Sweet corn and Old Bay
From my jock father turned hippie,
from my babysitter since 2 weeks
In the books under sheaths of plastic, sit paused memories
At once a comfort and a scar
-- Katee Myers